
Writing Tips from Jese

Recently, I’ve been writing a lot more than I used to so I thought I might share a few writing tips, some that I keep telling myself, some things that come very easy to me, but I know that other people struggle with. Take what you will from this list 🙂

a) write whenever you can. If you’ve got an idea, keep going with it. Even if you don’t have a pad of paper or a computer, just keep writing in your head, planning out your stories.

b) write whatever you can. Write down all the ideas, write in all the genres. I don’t like stagnation in my writing, so I try to write in as many genres as I possibly can: fantasy, scifi, contemporary, historical fiction.

c) write first, edit later. Editing/perfectionism (something I struggle with) is like a heavy fog and you can lose sight of what you’re aiming for as you try to perfect as you go.

d) finish what you start. It’s so tempting to give up on your current project in order to chase another one, or to be discouraged by perfectionism, but there is nothing more satisfying than finishing what you started.

e) if you’re a pantser, try planning. If you’re a planner, try pantsing. Be comfortable with both approaches, and you never know. You might like another style better than the one you use currently. Don’t be afraid to change.

f) have fun! 😀

See ya later!


2 thoughts on “Writing Tips from Jese

  1. Thank you for this advice, I have a terrible time with writing but I love coming up with stories, it’s actually sitting down and writing, then that’s when the problems show up. So this info will be very helpful for me in the future! 😊


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